My January was dominated by grey, dismal dog walks and copious mud! There were the occasional stunning sunsets.

And some freezing days, but not that many for January.

It was also Bloganuary, the annual WordPress challenge to compose a blog post for every day of the month. Prompts were given each day to help inspire bloggers or to challenge them! I did fulfil the brief and enjoyed the process more this year than last. I think I was more comfortable with the change of blogging style necessitated by Bloganuary.

WordPress published a follow-up post that can be read below

From the WordPress feedback, this caught my eye, ‘A total of 33,639 blog posts were published throughout the month, answering the daily prompts and tagged with #bloganuary. All those posts reached an audience of 6,262,733 readers. That’s more than the population of Denmark! 152 people published blog posts answering all 31 prompts—wow!

Though we’re incredibly proud of all our Bloganuary participants, that last number is especially impressive. Life has a way of getting in the way of any creative pursuit, yet 152 bloggers stared down writer’s block, hectic schedules, overtime at work, family obligations, and who knows what else—and still published a blog post every. Single. Day.’

Forgive me for showing off but I’m delighted to be one of those 152 bloggers! I’m grateful to those who stuck with me and read, liked or commented on my daily posts. I’ve discovered some new blogs along the way. The only problem with blogging everyday is that it means less available reading time for all my favourite blogs. Apologies to all those bloggers – you know who you are!

How was your January?