To be honest, it never closed. However, we had the pleasure of hosting two different Border Collies as guests last week! Both these furry friends had stayed with us on previous occasions, but I can’t remember the weather being as wet, resulting in copious amounts of mud.

Our first visitor was Fitz who stayed for a couple of days and one night. Mr FF was in France at the time, but I had plenty of canine company. Fitz is the same age as Zeph, our collie, but she competes in agility and loves to perform parkour stunts over our sofa!

Luckily, we have a room known as the den that is dog-friendly. It used to be the domain of our teenage sons for sleepovers, gaming and so forth. It’s ideal as a place for dogs to hang out!

The photo below is a perfect example of Zeph and Fitz in the den. She is ‘Queen Fitz’ and Zeph is her humble subject, prone at her feet!

Our next guest was Bonny, who spent the weekend with us. She was Zeph’s first friend. They met when he was still a puppy. Bonny is a show collie, whereas Zeph is from working stock, although when they’re out running and playing, it’s difficult to see the difference! Bonny spent the weekend with us.


The picture below wasn’t taken recently, it is too clear and dry!

Zeph and Bonny

The image below isn’t great but gives some indication of the recent walking conditions.

Muddy Zeph

Bonny will soon be seven and she has always been able to keep Zeph in his place! I enjoy having other dogs to stay and, as far as I can tell, so does Zeph. You can see his reaction below when he had the house back to himself!

I am linking this post to #pocolo