I love France. I love dogs. I was brought up with dogs.

Our sons were brought up with dogs.

These are our last two family dogs: Cassie, our beautiful Flatcoat Retriever and Brillo, our rescue lurcher.

However, we are currently dogless. This is for lots of reasons; we are virtually empty nesters, we spend a lot of time travelling between SW France and SE England and we are only too aware of the responsibility in taking on another dog…or two!

To fill the gap we decided to become #Trusted Housesitters. This is an organisation which ‘connects home and pet owners with trustworthy animal lovers who sit for free.’ I quote! I can thoroughly recommend Trusted Housesitters should you want to travel and look after animals. Equally, if you have pets and don’t want to put them in kennels, this could be ideal. Here’s the link to their website:


Our first sit was for two beautiful young Border Collies and our second! In fact we’ve stayed friends with the owners of the collies and we still meet up for walks and meals.


Next, we looked after a gorgeous labradoodle, two budgies and a geriatric rabbit!


We’ve also looked after my sister’s Blue Heeler puppy, a friend’s long haired, white, German Shepherd and the young cats which belong to my son and his girlfriend.

This has helped to fill the dog shaped hole in our lives…to some extent…!

However, I have discovered that there is a dog rescue centre, in Carcassonne,  where I can volunteer:


I have volunteered at a rescue centre, previously.  And, yes, we did end up with a rescue dog! He lived with us until he was sixteen.

This post was originally intended to be about breeds of dogs originating from France but I appear to have side-tracked myself!

Here are two other dog related posts I wrote  earlier:

This one is about dog poo! Yes, really! Or rather the lack of picking up that is generally done in France:


And this one is about the naming of dogs in France:


I still like to think a dog(s) is out there for us somewhere!

Are you a dog lover? Do you travel with your dog?

This is a post I wrote some time ago and which I’m happy to be linking with the very entertaining #AnimalTales. Although I’m still dog less, I’m happy to report that I have been a volunteer dog walker for the SPA Carcassonne! We have also fostered one of their cats and had the pleasure of looking after a friend’s eighth month Border Collie puppy, at New Year.